Once back at my apartment I immediately kicked off my sandals and sat down in my comfy desk chair. Ignoring the stack of papers in front of me that need clearing I began pecking away on my keyboard.
Sometimes life throws us a curve ball that upsets our equilibrium. We flounder and become befuddled by our reality and everything takes a back seat while we seek to regain our rhythm. In that process our creative passion and other means of self-expression can get lost in the shuffle. Over these past eight months that's what has happened to me. A curve ball has been thrown my way that been bogged me down and raised questions about my quality of life for the future.
Last fall I was placed on a kidney transplant list and have been dealing with monthly blood work and frequent doctor's appointments with a kidney specialist. This past spring, I learned that I may have a liver problem and was referred to a liver specialist. The liver specialist sent me to Columbia University Medical Center in New York City to be evaluated for a kidney/liver transplant.
Dealing with chronic disease has affected my energy level and raised questions like how am I going to accomplish my dreams with all this kidney liver transplant business going on? I'd just as soon forget the whole thing! But, being foolish never did us any good, so I will forge on and face my reality but not let my circumstances define me. I am so much more than my circumstances and God is so much bigger!
I hope that you perhaps will pick back up a project or passion that you may have dropped due to a detour. It's never too late to fulfill God's destiny for our lives no matter what curve ball gets thrown our way.
And, in the meantime, please do drop in again for new postings, happenings, book reviews, and other serendipitous matters. You can find my column, Top Blonde…on the run! at www.northjersey.com/pascackvalley under “columnist” Jennifer Botkin Phillips

"There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow." Orison Sweet Marden
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